Posts Tagged ‘presentation’
DisseminationJune 25th, 2013
All presentations from LINQ 2013 are now available through the conference website’s programme overview. TRAILER project was presented on the 4th parallel session with other European and International projects about “Vocational Education and Training, New Skills and Quality”. TRAILER presentation is available in the following link:
[slideshare id=21841253&doc=linq2013sessiongreen1trailer-130524105029-phpapp01]
DisseminationMarch 11th, 2013
[youtube width=”480″ height=”360″][/youtube]
DisseminationOctober 11th, 2012
On June 12th José Janssen, Adriana Berlanga and Peter Sloep presented a paper about the TRAILER project at the ePortfolio & Identity Conference in London.
The paper will be published in the conference proceedings which will become available later 2012 at
[slideshare id=14675921&doc=epic2012-presentation-121010183928-phpapp02]
Download the presentation from the repository
DisseminationJuly 19th, 2012
Last 29th of June, Maria Arcelina Marques, researcher in TRAILER project, presented the project to the CIETI group (Centre of Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Technology), with about 20 people attending it, at IPP-ISEP.
[slideshare id=13698944&doc=presentationtraileratippisepbyarcelinajune292012-120719171659-phpapp02]
Download the presentation from the repository