University of Bolton
Researcher and Coordinator. David Griffiths
Researcher. Mark Johnson
Researcher. Paul Sharples
Researcher. Scott Wilson
Researcher. Li Yuan
This partner will participate in the project as a technical partner; they will be involved in all the WPs of the project. In the WP2 they will contribute with their experience in TENCompetence in the definition of the methodology. In WP3 they will participate in the implementation of the Informal Learning Collector by using Wookie. In WP4 and WP5 its participation must be emphasised, because it will actively participate in the definition of the communication interfaces of the portfolio with the Informal Learning Collector, the definition of the competence catalogue and its interfaces. In WP6 they will help testing the existing development. In the rest of the WPs they will participate like other partners and also will provide their experience and contact networks.
Contact details
Deane Road
Bolton (United Kingdom)