WP6: Testing and Integration


This work package is part of the process of the technological part of the project that ensures the quality and proper functioning of the software components developed. It is going to verify the components developed during the project. In order to do this, a test plan will be developed, this plan will be applied to each one of the components. The kinds of tests used will be unit tests (to ensure the proper codification and work of each component, for example if the tag systems access the competence catalogue properly), acceptation tests (to ensure that each component meets the initial requirements, for example that the tag system is able to list informal activities performed in the widgets), usability tests (to ensure that each component is fully usable by the different stakeholders, for example how easy is the management of the tag tool) and integration tests (to ensure that each component works properly with the other components). The test plan will be applied in three iterative cycles from the finalization of WP3 and till all tests and pilots (WP7) are finished and for each iteration of the test plan a new version of the system will be released.

The present work package will have two main results: a report describing the results of the integration and the usability tests and a final prototype of the system. There will be dependencies with WP 3, 4 and 5 (because there are developed the components) and also with WP7 (because pilot information could suppose changes in the framework) by considering informal and non-formal realities.

Deliverable 16. Usability test report

This deliverable will describe the experience of the user with the framework. Usability tests will provide quantitative and qualitative data about real users actions in the framework. A range of tests will be applied to the system and the report will provide information about how the prototype works, how random users interact with the system and how expert users interact with the system. The deliverable will contain an explanation of each of these experiments with a description of the test and the outcomes of the user. Also some conclusions will be added.

Deliverable 17. Final version of the system

This is one of the principal project outcomes. It will be the result of test iterations from an initial prototype to a complete full release. It is made up of the full set of components, interfaces, manual, methodologies, recommendations, experiences, catalogue competence information and reports, after their validation in during testing and the pilot actions carried out in WP7. It will be available as a deployable software component packed in a CD and also installed in a server for its use.