WP8: Dissemination


Dissemination will be one of the most important actions of the project because for the research done to be useful it will be essential to reach the target groups and engage them throughout the project. It will be a continuous task throughout the life of the project and an in-depth stakeholder needs analysis will be carried out at the beginning of the project, to make sure that the strategies defined are appropriate to the target groups. This work will be done as part of the exploitation package (WP9), in the first two months of the project, and the outcomes of this analysis will influence the content of the project dissemination plan and the project exploitation plan. There will be close contact between these two packages throughout the project.

In parallel with the development of the dissemination plan, the project graphic image will be developed by P1. This will include guidelines for the colour and layout of all the different products of the project, ranging from the website (in liaison with WP1) to paper materials such as leaflets and reports. The idea is to produce a visual identity for the project that will support the dissemination process. This design will be incorporated into the promotional materials and all the reports.

The dissemination activities envisaged include both online strategies such as active blogging and participation in relevant communities and offline strategies such as direct communication with local and regional stakeholders, dissemination seminars and participation in conferences. The principal objective being to share results and raise awareness among the target stakeholder communities (learners from companies, learners from universities) of the potential of this approach and initiate their engagement with the project and its results, either as participants or interested observers.

In order to perform this dissemination we will consider the direct communication to target groups by using the contact networks of the project partners, the performance of different kind of events such as conferences and workshops (which are described in section E2) and the use of technological tools provided by the Association (described in section E1) which will be created in M18 and will be a key element in the exploitation and dissemination strategies.

Deliverable 20. Dissemination Plan

This plan which will be created in M3 and M4 using the results of the valorization needs analysis carried out in WP9, will set out details of the dissemination strategy that will be pursued throughout the project. Principally for internal consumption by the consortium it will give details of all the dissemination actions to be carried out over the two years of the project.

Deliverable 21. Overall Graphic Design

This will be a collection of materials that set out the look and feel of all project deliverables. It will be used both in the design of software components, and in the production of promotional materials. It will include the project logo and contain a series of guidelines for the colour schemes, layout, typeface and other graphic design considerations. The objective is to achieve a consistent image for all project products.

Deliverable 22. IT Dissemination Tools

This will be a collection of tools integrated in a web portal that allows the dissemination of project progress. It will consist in tools for the publication of information and opinion (web information publisher, blogs, Twitter channel), social community access with information about the project (Facebook, Linkedin, etc) and tools for users interaction (such as forums, wikis, chat, Skype) and so on.

Deliverable 23. Dissemination Report 1

This intermediate report on dissemination activities will be produced in M11 and will cover all dissemination activity, online and off, carried out up to that point. It will be principally for internal consumption (though it will feed into the interim report) and allow the consortium to take stock of the actions carried out so far and make improvements to the dissemination plan for the next year.

Deliverable 24. Dissemination Report 2

This intermediate report on dissemination activities will be produced in M22 and will cover all dissemination activity, online and off, carried out since the previous report. It will be principally for internal consumption and allow the consortium to take stock of the actions carried out so far and make improvements to the dissemination plan for the final months.

Deliverable 25. Conference Dissemination

The participation in conferences, workshops, book chapters and in other events will be continuous during the life of the project so it will be performed along the project. By publishing this information the aim is to raise awareness in specialized environments, the activities undertaken with the intention to enhance the exploitation and improvement of the system and to engage potential partners and experts.